Laura Eis Pedagogy Workshop, Group Classes and Master Class
It was great to have Laura Eis return to SU (her alma mater) for a Book 1 Cram Session/luncheon with SU Prep teachers! In attendance: Briana, Sydney B, Isaiah, Valerie, Madeline, Liz, Jennie, Emily. We then joined Laura for group classes with our Beginner-Advanced Beginner students!

We played lots of fun games, including the Marshmallow Bow Hold game. At the end, Laura had promised to show the students a photo of a violin that had been run over by a car. Then we all moved to Stretansky Hall for a master class. Brendan played Telemann G major concerto, Sophia played Fiocco Allegro, and Kyra played Seitz g minor concerto. Laura worked so well with them and they performed beautifully! Also in attendance: Isaiah and Canyon.